Sunday, May 19, 2019

Download Corporations Are People Too: (And They Should Act Like It) epub by Kent Greenfield

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Corporations Are People Too: (And They Should Act Like It)

by Kent Greenfield

Binding: Hardcover
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Rating: 5.0
Total Reviews: 1

Results Corporations Are People Too: (And They Should Act Like It)

Corporations Are People Too And They Should Act Like It This is a fascinating and engaging book discussing what rights corporations should be allowed to assert across the range of constitutional law topics The authors thesis that corporations are people but need to act more like people is fascinating and persuasive Corporations are People Too And They Should Act Like It Yale University Press recently published my new book Corporations Are People Too And They Should Act Like It I argue that the recent push among activists and some law scholars to restrict all rights of corporations is misdirected Corporations deserve many—if not all—of the constitutional rights enjoyed by natural persons If Corporations Are People They Should Act Like It The If Corporations Are People They Should Act Like It It would declare that “the rights protected by this Constitution” are “the rights of natural persons” A range of liberal groups have signed on to the antipersonhood project—MoveOn Sierra Club and NAACP chapters and steelworker and SEIU locals Corporations Are People Too And They Should Act Like It Corporations Are People Too And They Should Act Like It Why we’re better off treating corporations as people under the law—and making them behave like citizens according to Professor Kent Greenfield Greenfield Corporations Are People Too And They Should The book is Corporations Are People Too And They Should Act Like It Yale UP by Kent Greenfield image only available in the Yale catalogue at present Are corporations people The Supreme Court launched a heated debate when it ruled in Citizens United that corporations can claim the same free speech rights as humans » Corporations Are People Too And They Should Act Like It Corporations Are People Too And They Should Act Like It October 4 2018 With an analysis sure to challenge the assumptions of both progressives and conservatives Greenfield explores corporations’ claims to constitutional rights and the foundational conflicts about their obligations in society Corporations Are People Too And They Should Act Like It The solution is not to end corporate personhood but to require corporations to act more like citizens Anyone interested in the role of corporations in our political system should come to this talk on the day Yale University Press releases his new book on this topic Corporations are People Too And they Should Act Like It This video is unavailable Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue Customer reviews Corporations Are People Too This is a fascinating and engaging book discussing what rights corporations should be allowed to assert across the range of constitutional law topics The authors thesis that corporations are people but need to act more like people is fascinating and persuasive Corporations Are People Too Yale University Press Corporations Are People Too The problem with Citizens United is not that corporations have a right to speak but for whom they speak The solution is not to end corporate personhood but to require corporations to act more like citizens Kent Greenfield is a law professor at Boston College a former Supreme Court clerk